As you may have noticed, the content of my website was sucked into a deep abyss. I know next to nothing about fixing this sort of thing, so at the moment I am mostly staring cock-headed at the computer like a befuddled poodle seeing its reflection for the first time. Perhaps also like the poodle I will fly into a rage at the sight and attack myself thinking I am someone else.
At any rate, I had lost steam with the comics, and I was thinking of changing up the content and look of the site to be more writing/text oriented rather than comic oriented. Maybe every so often I’ll post an image or something, but probably not so much. So I’ll do some fiddling around with some layout changes, hoping I don’t fuck things up irreparably, and then when that’s all done I’ll see about getting some of the old content back up.
(Edit: As of December 22nd, 2008, I am officially reviving the blog. You can expect new posts from here on out!)