Buy Lithium Without Prescription, All too often, wild, insane, and rabid frothing at the mouth passes for political discourse in this country. The recent debates concerning health care reform are no different. Raving idiots have hijacked the debate with inane ramblings against mythical health care bills that supposedly contain provisions for creating "death panels, Lithium buy, " or beauracratic meetings of ominous government officials who would decide whether granny lives or dies on the basis of the financial feasibility of sustaining her life. Of course, in reality such provisions are completely absent from the bill, and exist solely in the minds of conservative fucktards who can't even be bothered to read the actual text from the section in question, Lithium in japan. Sarah Palin, the bumbling nitwit catapulted to fame by John McCain (an act for which I can never forgive him), Buy Lithium from canada, is emblematic of the problem. Here we have a clueless, ignorant git raving against a bill she clearly has not even bothered to glance at, claiming it entails the euthanasia of the elderly, children with Down Syndrome, and others, Buy Lithium Without Prescription.
Now, what does the health care bill really say. It isn't too difficult to find out, order Lithium online c.o.d, as the bill, HR 3200, Ordering Lithium online, is freely available online. The section said to allow for "death panels" that would euthanize grandmothers, kill Down Syndrome babies, drown puppies, buy Lithium without a prescription, and perhaps even rape sea otters is Section 1233, starting on page 424. Buy Lithium online with no prescription, The section basically outlines how doctors should handle Advance Care Planning Consultations if they wish to be compensated by Medicare. Buy Lithium Without Prescription, In effect, the section attempts to standardize the topics that would be covered in such consultations, sets limits on how often they should be performed for reimbursement purposes, provides exceptions to these rules, and describes the reporting of quality measures. Nothing in the bill even comes close to saying, or even implying, that people would be forced into such consultations and encouraged to end their lives, buy Lithium from mexico. So what has caused all the drama.
To put it bluntly, Order Lithium from United States pharmacy, the drama has been caused by lying fuckwits who deliberately misinterpret and distort the meaning of Section 1233 to the public to provoke fear and backlash. As a case study of such lying fuckwittery, take this note, titled Concerning the "Death Panels", over the counter Lithium, from Sarah Palin's facebook page.
Essentially, proponents of the "death panel" thesis assert that the bill will make Advance Care Planning Consultations mandatory through incentivization and that the larger context of the bill implies that doctors would be encouraged to pressure patients into foregoing life-sustaining treatments to save on costs, Buy Lithium Without Prescription. Here is Palin, Buy Lithium without prescription, commenting on how the larger context affects the meaning of Section 1233:
These consultations are authorized whenever a Medicare recipient’s health changes significantly or when they enter a nursing home, and they are part of a bill whose stated purpose is “to reduce the growth in health care spending.” [5] Is it any wonder that senior citizens might view such consultations as attempts to convince them to help reduce health care costs by accepting minimal end-of-life care?
Now, Palin is correct that page 5 of HR 3200 says it seeks "to reduce the growth in health spending." Notice, however, Lithium in canada, that she has not included the whole sentence. She has not included the first half of the sentence because it utterly destroys her strained argument. Buy cheap Lithium no rx, Here is the sentence in full, from HR 3200:
This division institutes health delivery system reforms both to increase quality and to reduce growth in health spending so that health care becomes more affordable for businesses, families, and government (5, next day Lithium, emphasis mine).
As can be seen, Palin has failed to include the crucial detail that the overall context of the bill is not just to include measures for reducing health care spending, Lithium discount, but to include measures that increase quality. Given that context, the Advance Care Consultation section of HR 3200 makes perfect sense. Buy Lithium Without Prescription, It provides a standardized guideline that doctors must follow to receive compensation, which ensures that patients are given valuable information concerning end-of-life care. It calls for reporting on such measures to assess the quality, online buy Lithium without a prescription, to ensure that life sustaining treatment was followed according to the patient's wishes. Clearly, Lithium for sale, this fits the overall context of the bill, as stated on page 5, to increase the quality of health care. Either Palin is deliberately leaving out this portion of the quote because her argument falls apart without it, where can i find Lithium online, in which case she is a liar and a quote-miner, or else she is too stupid to be able to read and understand what it actually says. Lithium san diego, I'm inclined to believe the latter, as a result of my generous, benevolent nature.
But suppose, as a purely hypothetical scenario, that the bill's overall context was only to reduce health care costs, and no mention was made of quality improvement, Buy Lithium Without Prescription. Even with this generous concession, where can i order Lithium without prescription, Palin's argument falls to pieces. This is because Section 1233 not only details quality improvements, Where to buy Lithium, but also provides limitations to Advance Care Consultations that would decrease costs. For instance, the bill states that doctors can be reimbursed for providing such a consultation provided that "the individual involved has not had such a consultation within the last 5 years" (424-425). Clearly, buy Lithium online without prescription, this limitation is intended to reduce health care costs. Buy Lithium Without Prescription, But perhaps the section details more ways to reduce health care costs, including killing grandmothers and smashing the heads of Down Syndrome infants. Unfortunately, Order Lithium from mexican pharmacy, that is not the case. In fact, the text in the section rather explicitly conflicts with any misguided interpretation that says the bill encourages doctors to coerce patients to forego life-sustaining treatments. Here, buy cheap Lithium, for example, are just a few quotes from HR 3200 that use language that says the complete opposite:
The level of treatment indicated under subparagraph (A)(ii) may range from an indication for full treatment to an indication to limit some or all or specified interventions (430).Notice that the bill does not state doctors must coerce doctors to limit interventions, Buy Lithium no prescription, but explicitly states that the patient can choose a preference for "full treatment." Why would a bill attempting to coerce the elderly into early graves include that as an option.
Such measures shall measure both the creation of and adherence to orders for life sustaining treatment (432).Why would a bill attempting to euthanize old people provide for quality measures and assessments that would ensure adherence to the patient's orders for life sustaining treatment.
Clearly, there is nothing that remotely suggests limiting health care interventions in this section, as the text directly asserts that life sustaining treatment should be administered and the overall context is to ensure quality improvements to health care, of which this is surely an example, Buy Lithium Without Prescription.
Another common criticism of Section 1233 is that it makes Advance Care Planning Consultations mandatory. Of course, Lithium in us, nowhere in the text does it actually say this, but conservatives have found ways to misinterpret the text as implying the consultations are mandatory. Delivered overnight Lithium, Here is a representative argument, from Charles Lane's article "Undue Influence":
Though not mandatory, as some on the right have claimed, the consultations envisioned in Section 1233 aren't quite "purely voluntary, Lithium over the counter," as Rep. Sander M. Buy Lithium Without Prescription, Levin (D-Mich.) asserts. Lithium gel, ointment, cream, pill, spray, continuous-release, extended-release, To me, "purely voluntary" means "not unless the patient requests one." Section 1233, however, lets doctors initiate the chat and gives them an incentive -- money -- to do so, Lithium pills. Indeed, that's an incentive to insist.
How offering reimbursement for a service makes that service mandatory is not explained. Where to buy Lithium, Anyone with a working brain can see that allowing doctors to be paid for a service would not make it mandatory. For instance, suppose a bill proposed that doctors would be paid for removing appendixes (as they already are). Would anyone in their right mind argue that because doctors are being paid for this service that they would therefore remove everyone's appendix, whether they need it removed or not, Buy Lithium Without Prescription. Of course not, sale Lithium. The fact that doctors get paid for procedures and consultations doesn't make them mandatory.
But allow me to be generous again, Lithium overseas, and assume, for the sake of argument, that such consultations were mandatory. Would this be a terrible thing, Lithium prices. Buy Lithium Without Prescription, As I've already detailed previously, the Advance Care Planning Consultation would not coerce patients into limiting interventions, but would allow patients to decide whether they want to receive all potential life sustaining procedures or whether they'd rather forego certain interventions, such as being attached to a feeding device when there is no longer any brain function. Arguably, were such a consultation mandatory, Rx free Lithium, and patients made their desires known, put them in writing, and assigned family members and others to oversee their wishes should they become incapacitated, this would be tremendously beneficial, Lithium to buy. Conservatives, after all, Where can i buy Lithium online, tend to go completely ape shit in cases like Terri Schiavo's, in which case her husband and her family disagreed over whether her life support should be discontinued. This could have been avoided had Schiavo been given an opportunity to create a living will expressing her own desires. As such, Lithium in india, there is nothing inherently wrong about making such consultations mandatory for patients who need them. It is important for patients to have their wishes fulfilled in their final hours, Buy Lithium Without Prescription. So in short, Purchase Lithium, even if these consultations were mandatory, which they aren't, that would hardly be a problem.
The originator of the "death panel" meme was Betsy McCaughey, order Lithium no prescription, who appeared on the Daily Show not too long ago. She tries to come across as a knowledgeable, Lithium in uk, likeable woman divulging the dirty secret found within the dank recesses of the health care bill in the interview, but beneath this presentable exterior is a shrill, irresponsible liar and charlatan who probably has the lower half of a goat, horns, buy no prescription Lithium online, and the number "666" tattooed across her ass. (I am assuming she is the antichrist given the rather liberal and easily met criteria used nowadays for determining whether someone is the antichrist. Buy Lithium Without Prescription, See Barack Obama, for example.) Her arguments are so pitiful and strained that I almost feel sorry for her. Lithium medication, At one point, for instance, she criticizes advance care directives because patients could change their minds when presented with a life-threatening illness, and she argues that the doctor would have to follow the instructions of the will over the direct protestations of the patient, free Lithium samples. This is sheer nonsense, and clearly this woman has no idea how living wills function. Lithium from canadian pharmacy, If a patient is cognizant enough to make his or her desires known, then that takes precedence over a living will. People are allowed to change their minds. These end-of-life care procedures only become necessary when a patient is in a state in which he or she cannot communicate his or her desires---to claim otherwise is outright ignorance and stupidity, Buy Lithium Without Prescription. Throughout the video clip, Lithium tablets, she searches endlessly for text that supposedly supports her position, never finds it, Lithium from international pharmacy, and then has it continually debunked by Jon Stewart as he performs the stunning act of reading what the text actually says. It just goes to show that idiocy and ignorance is best fought by demanding evidence.
Now that I've addressed the blatant lies and misconceptions concerning the bill, allow me to address the less outlandish claims of those who argue against health care reform.
Many opponents of health care reform, buy generic Lithium, for instance, argue that health care will be rationed under the new health care plan. Real brand Lithium online, This is simply not true. Buy Lithium Without Prescription, The bill says nothing about rationing care, and this is merely a theoretical concern. But let's have some perspective here: we already have rationed health care, and even death panels, to a degree, purchase Lithium online. Under the current system of private, employer-based insurance, Lithium paypal, those without health care are the poor and the unemployed (who tend to have more health problems, on average) or those with pre-existing medical conditions. In essence, then, online buying Lithium hcl, those who need health care the most, who are more likely to be sick or who are already sick, Order Lithium online overnight delivery no prescription, are denied health insurance. The current proposal would produce a public option for health insurance, allowing those who are unemployed, poor, Lithium to buy online, or who have pre-existing conditions to finally have health insurance and receive adequate health care. No more would the "death panels" at private insurance companies, motivated by profits, pore over claims to seek reasons to deny paying for certain procedures, to deny claims outright, or to deny insurance to those who are already sick, Buy Lithium Without Prescription. These practices are heartless, Lithium trusted pharmacy reviews, immoral, and wrong, and anyone who would want to preserve such a system is out of their mind. A robust public option, where can i buy cheapest Lithium online, on the other hand, could avoid these pitfalls by having a large national base for collecting money that would allow coverage of those who are poor or who have pre-existing conditions. Lithium in mexico, Many opponents of health care reform are fond of pointing out that government beauracracy would mismanage health care, would be very wasteful, and would ultimately make health care highly inefficient. This may or may not be true, cod online Lithium, but nevertheless, government is necessary for certain functions, Purchase Lithium online no prescription, whether it is wasteful or not. Buy Lithium Without Prescription, Few would suggest, for instance, that highways, the military, police, and so on should be privatized. That is because there would be conflicts of interest with the greater public and national good, as well as other problems. With roads and highways, buy Lithium online no prescription, for instance, privatization would require public funding, Lithium craiglist, which would probably destroy commutes by producing endless toll roads that stop vehicles and create out of control traffic. The concerns are similar with health care, for the current system produces unethical profit motivations that deny care to those who need it most as a result of financial problems, as private insurance companies don't generate enough money to handle these costs, Lithium from international pharmacy, whereas a government system would have a whole nation's collective contributions to draw from, meaning less worry about unethically denying claims to control costs (though naturally some cost controls would have to be implemented). Real brand Lithium online, Another interesting argument frequently offered tries to argue that the current plan isn't much of a compromise between the conservatives and liberals, and would lead to a slippery slope of national health care without any private sector insurance. Under the current health care plan, the public option would be offered as an alternative to private insurance, and in essence the government insurance plan would be in direct competition with private insurers, Buy Lithium Without Prescription. However, the argument is that the government would soon overtake the private insurers, over the counter Lithium, create a monopoly, and thereafter wreak havoc on the health care system. Lithium buy, What is interesting about this argument is that it conflicts with the a priori belief of conservatives that government-run systems are always ineffective and inefficient. If, for instance, the government is so inept, how exactly would it manage to overtake private insurance and monopolize the industry when directly competing. Shouldn't conservatives be pleased that the free market would be deciding the winner. Buy Lithium Without Prescription, And if the government does win the batlle, doesn't that just show that government insurance is better and should be adopted. As such, I don't find these criticisms very convincing.
These are the arguments of those who oppose health care reform. Most of them are dangerous, uninformed, and silly, while others are simply wrong. But what can be done about the rampant spread of misinformation and ignorance. It seems as though the damage has already been done, Buy Lithium Without Prescription. A recent survey from Public Policy Polling, for instance, showed that 62% of Republicans believe the government should stay out of Medicare. This is a disturbing figure because Medicare is a government-run program. This is tantamount to having a majority of Republicans decrying government involvement in the Senate. (Keep the government out of my legislative body!) Such disgusting ignorance and idiocy, combined with the persistent fear of illusory death panels, is so absurd that it scarcely seems possible to address it in any reasonable manner. As such, I recommend the rhetorical tactic of congressman Barney Frank, who responds to a woman who claims Obama's health care policy is somehow "Nazi" while holding a poster depicting Obama as Hitler by sarcastically asking her, "What planet are you from?" He then goes on to rip her to shreds, saying conversing with her is like talking to a dining room table, which is an insult to dining room tables everywhere, as I suspect the dining room table would be slightly more eloquent and less idiotic. When people make unreasonable, asinine, ideologically motivated, and downright dangerous claims, they can only be met with scorn, ridicule, and constant refutation backed by evidence. These charlatans do not deserve the respect of civil debate; they lost that privilege the moment they started loudly spouting outright lies, misinformation, and ridiculous clap-trap. With that said, I can only end my analysis of this supposed health care "debate" with the following remark: you're wrong, you've been shown to be wrong, and now shut the fuck up.
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24 August, 2009 at 10:23 AM (UTC -6) Link to this comment
The anti-Obamacare people do have a point about competition from government programs: the “public options” can get public money and legislated advantages which can overwhelm any superiority of business practices.
There’s also the fact that the Dems are trying to cram this thing through really fast. They may think that they have to do it fast if they’re going to do it at all, but is that an excuse? Maybe a stopgap measure like paying for primary care for those who’ve lost their jobs needs to be a priority, but anything so far-reaching as a wholesale overhaul of the system cannot help but benefit from a much more measured approach.
27 August, 2009 at 7:12 AM (UTC -6) Link to this comment
And on that line, the Democrats have repeatedly voted down amendments to prevent illegal aliens and other ineligible people from obtaining health care benefits under this bill. Medicaid requires citizenship verification, but the D’s don’t want this in the new bill. If all it takes is a fake Social Security card, the entire world will come to the United States for taxpayer-paid medical care.
The cost of means-tested benefits for low-skilled immigrants is estimated to be $1.5 trillion over 10 years.
28 August, 2009 at 4:57 PM (UTC -6) Link to this comment
To the Engineer-Poet, I am disappointed that the engineer half of you insists on being so simplisitc. Let me give you a clue how the “government option” works because I use TRICARE PRIME, one of the retired military “socialized medicine” programs. I get to choose any medical service, but TRICARE has contracts with many of them if I want the “cheapest” deal. If I choose a TRICARE provider, I may have a co-pay that is disclosed up front and that is all. I get bills all the time from many of these providers trying to get me to pay the difference, which can be huge. How’s that for “good business practices,” gouging the customer. My wife accidently paid one of those many years ago and I have yet to get my money back, the rotten bastards guessed right in charging an amount just a little too small for me to be that persistent and I gave up. There is a catastrophic limit for those who may need it.
I have been offered several alternate plans through various employers over the years and I have yet to find one that is better for me.
Also, quit playing the “someone who don’t deserve it might get a dose” canard by bringing up “illegals” because that is another red herring.
Look, it is a complicated issue with as many pluses and minuses you want to throw in but tossing a couple of select negatives while ignoring the positives is dishonest and adds nothing to our chances of actually getting a program that works. Of course, there are a lot of people who are making out just fine with the current system and they are counting on us unwashed masses getting distracted.
28 August, 2009 at 11:39 PM (UTC -6) Link to this comment
Thank you for trying to get the right information out there.
My mother is 83 and some of the information that they are putting out there is scaring her and she is in good health.
To hear some of talk it would seem that they would euthanize me. I am 57. I am epileptic and have heart disease needless to say I’m disabled.
The whole thing boils down to one thing. The big insurance companies don’t want to be told what to do.
They talk about rationed care, this is a practice already being done by the insurance companies.
29 August, 2009 at 12:13 PM (UTC -6) Link to this comment
Engineer-poet, perhaps you are misinformed, and perhaps law differs from reality, but I know for a fact (as a person who has applied for and been on medicaid) that they EXPLICITLY say no proof of citizenship is required to obtain benefits for children. I don’t know about adults, but even that, I am sure, is an issue for you.
That being said, whether or not they are on health insurance, which might encourage preventative care and matainance of long-term health conditions, they are still able to receive treatment in any hospital’s emergency room. Their health issues will be our financial responsibility whether we allow them to benefit from government insurance or not. I would argue that it is our responsibility as humans and free citizens of an incredibly idealistic country to acknowledge that burden and accept it as a part of our heritage.
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”
We are a country built on the backs of immigrants, legal and illegal, and it is our duty to promote their right to life and health as much as we would have promoted it for our own grandparents, great-grandparents, and ancestors.
Cyber Nomad (aka God)
2 September, 2009 at 9:03 AM (UTC -6) Link to this comment
Lizz, that is an extremely generous and compassionate idea. But would you personally be willing to pay an extra $500/year to subsidize this health care for non-Americans? If so, you are an extreme minority. The reality, given America’s stupendous deficit, is that you will probably have to pay an extra $1000/year for health care for Americans in addition to military expenditures. Or your children or grand children will. By the way, I am not in favor of either side of the healthcare debate, there are advantages and disadvantages of both and I think they need to be carefully measured as Engineer Poet has mentioned. But to be fair, I beleive they are only trying to ram this thing through because a few Republicans have suddenly rediscovered their principled belief in small government and reduced spending. How convenient now that they are the party in opposition. But that is not a good enough reason to ram through what could be possibly the greatest change and greatest expense in American history. What happened to bi-partisan and a change in politics? Looks like the same old BS to me.
2 September, 2009 at 6:40 PM (UTC -6) Link to this comment
Blakenator: I think you missed the point. Entire business categories in major economic sectors in the USA (and elsewhere) would simply not exist without public subsidies. Corn ethanol is a particularly glaring example. And the subsidies ARE jiggered to kill superior options which do not enjoy political support, e.g. the Tyson-Conoco Phillips venture to make green diesel from waste fat. A superior product (with better byproducts, propane instead of glycerine) was killed because the right people didn’t benefit. Yes, TriCare may work for you, but how much will change when the amount of money available to those who lobby well is multiplied 100-fold?
“Also, quit playing the “someone who don’t deserve it might get a dose” canard by bringing up “illegals” because that is another red herring.”
Why is it a red herring? Social services provided to illegals via their “anchor baby” children is already an enormous drain on the USA; the social service costs of many of these families is not only more than their tax payments, it’s more than their gross wages! If I’m reading section 242 of HR3200 correctly (pp. 132-3), enrollment of an anchor baby allows an entire family, illegal alien parents included, to qualify for “afforability credits” (see (2), “TREATMENT”, p. 133). Note that being an illegal alien is not a disqualifier!
What does this mean to you? Aside from the escalating transfer payments to people who have no business being here in the first place, it means that these illegals go into the queue for services from the same pool of primary care physicians who are already in very short supply (because their services are under-compensated). How would you like to wait longer and get less because our elites want their cheap, pliant labor? (Note that illegal Brazilians are now some 30% of the workforce on Martha’s Vineyard, where the Obamas just vacationed. The WH just said it isn’t going to rock that boat… again.)
2 September, 2009 at 6:55 PM (UTC -6) Link to this comment
Lizz: Does the late addition of a poem to the Statue of Liberty override the laws of the United States of America? Does a poem on a statue give everyone in the world a claim to medical care courtesy of the ever-shrinking fraction of US citizens who are taxpayers (and their children and grandchildren)? Who voted for that poem, anyway?
“I know for a fact (as a person who has applied for and been on medicaid) that they EXPLICITLY say no proof of citizenship is required to obtain benefits for children.”
Perhaps there should be. Perhaps we should place the children of illegal aliens (and tourists, and those on student and other temporary visas) in the same category as the children of foreign diplomats, who are not citizens of the USA regardless of their place of birth. This can be done with only a legislative change. Then if they come to us for benefits, we just pack them up and send them home.
Monica Herbanss
27 June, 2010 at 2:43 PM (UTC -6) Link to this comment
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