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Panelist 1: I'll have to run that by the granny death squad czar.
Panelist 2: Okay, okay, but let's just get on with it! (Reaches for a file from the large folder.) Here. This is Granny Mae's medical file. (Pauses to think a bit.) I say we burn her, Buy Smok-OX Without Prescription.
Panelist 3: Shouldn't we determine whether she weighs as much as a duck fir...
Panelist 1: No! We can't burn Granny Mae. Are you ignoring the details of her file? She's white! Everyone knows that the new liberal medical affirmative action program detailed on page 342 of the bill mandates that illegal immigrants and minorities get first dibs on our euthanasia services. No more will the white man be privileged.
Panelist 3: I think you mean the white man or woman. We have to be sure to be gender neutral when talking about our white privilege.
Panelist 1: This is true. As such, though, Grannie Mae must be placed last on the waiting list for euthanasia. Unfortunately we will have to ration our granny-killing squad, and only those most in need of a granny killing will receive it. Buy Smok-OX Without Prescription, Panelist 2: Oh, I hope those conservatives don't hear about this. Soon they'll be bitching about rationed care, talking about the tragedy of the commons and what-not. When everyone has access to euthanasia, you don't take care of it or take responsibility for it, they'll say, and sooner or later the euthanasia will be so degraded and corrupted by misuse that it will amount to hitting old ladies with mittens and nerfballs or else trying to set them on fire withice water. If only economics didn't constantly try to foil our death panel decisions.
Panelist 3: Wait. Do you... Do you smell that.
Panelist 2: It smells like burning. Mmm! The fresh smell of grannies.
Panelist 3: That's not grannies. It appears that I'm the one on fire, Buy Smok-OX Without Prescription.
Panelist 2: Well, would you look at that! So am I.
Panelist 1: Okay, I might as well tell you guys. You are both too old. So I had to set you on fire. We decided this in the upper hierarchy of death panels that oversees this lower death panel.
Panelist 3: I'm just glad that my insurance costs for this procedure will be covered by the government health care plan! I'm not sure my family could afford the matches and combustibles that made this possible.
Panelist 1: (Dousing himself with gasoline.) Yes, our new health care plan is a great boon to everyone, in part because of our efforts on the death panel. Thankfully, I too was chosen to be euthanized. I myself was the deciding vote! To think they tried to deny my chance at euthanasia, and cost-saving, merely because I am 1/4th white. It's almost reverse discrimination.
Panelist 2: Just think, under the old plan of private, employer-based insurance, we would have been denied coverage for this euthanasia! They would have killed us the old-fashioned way, by simply denying us any insurance for our pre-existing conditions and finding ways to weasel out of paying for important procedures or covering claims! A panel of insurance company claims adjusters would gather, not unlike we gather here, decide who gets coverage based on their health histories and physical examinations, and pore over claims to deny in an effort to preserve profit margins! Can you imagine such a world? A world where panels actually convene to kill grannies.
Panelist 1: I simply cannot imagine such a thing. Insurance companies denying coverage to the sick and the poor, charging unreasonable premiums that most can't afford, and in effect sentencing these people to a slow, euthanized death? I can't imagine what that could possibly be like.
Suddenly, there is silence. The death panelists are reduced to ash. A large group of identically dressed janitors enters, all of them wearing jumpsuits with sickle and hammer logos on the breast, and they slowly and incompetently attempt to sweep up the ashes, inefficiently and haphazardly moving about as they are shouted at by multitudes of bureaucrats with megaphones giving them conflicting directions, while those bureaucrats are shouted at by further bureaucrats with conflicting suggestions, and so on into infinity, until eventually, after years of random, erratic sweeping, the ashes have finally been swept up into a neat pile, and the next death panel enters, armed with a new stack of granny-euthanasia files, ready to fulfill their duty as death panelists to kill as many grannies as possible..
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1 comment
7 September, 2009 at 6:18 PM (UTC -6) Link to this comment
Even though i hail from Ontario Canada, and health care isnt like that, i here many stories on the news about american healthcare system and how totally stupid it is. It’s highly unfortunate that this could not be printed in a newspaper or something. It’s quite entertaining, not too mention very close to reality.
keep up the good work.