“Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” to be Replaced by “Show and Tell”
Sunday, December 19th, 2010This Saturday, history was made: Republicans helped pass a proposal led by Democrats. While some would argue that the truly historical event is the repeal of the military’s “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” (DADT) policy that resulted from the vote, clearly the real news here is that Republicans did not all band together to destroy all that is good and just in the world. Everyone already knew that eventually gays would be able to serve openly in the military, after all. No one could have predicted Republicans failing to obstruct a liberal proposal, though.
DADT was initially passed in the Clinton-era as a compromise between liberals and conservatives, which mandated that macho, moustached sergeants with bow-legged walks and manly grunts had to grit their teeth and restrain themselves from asking the pink boa-wearing soldier having sex with another man whether he was in fact gay, and the gay, boa-wearing soldier had to refrain from telling the quite masculine sergeant that he had sex with men. The new policy, “Show and Tell,” would not change anything about the armed services, aside from allowing male soldiers to admit that the hooker they picked up in Thailand was, in fact, a man who just happened to look like a woman.
Months ago, the repeal of DADT looked nearly impossible, as Republicans blocked a defense authorization bill primarily because it included the repeal of DADT. Defense authorization bills, bills that essentially allow the armed services to be paid, had been routinely passed without any qualms in the past, even in spite of additional controversial legislation that was often attached to the bills. Frankly, the defense authorization bill could have had dead fish that reeked of sulphuric anal bursts from bovines attached to it and it probably would have passed. The problem, of course, was that this time something worse than fish smelling of sulphuric anal bursts was attached. This time, there was a provision that would allow gays to serve openly in the military. This weekend, though, the impossible was accomplished, and all that is required is a signature from Barack Obama to finally end DADT, which was repealed as a bill separate from the defense authorization.
Even with DADT as good as repealed, and a pentagon report showing only a low risk from repealing it, some Republicans are still shrilly insisting that ending the policy will wreak havoc on the armed forces. John McCain, for instance, said, “Today is a sad day,” and then rambled incoherently about how gays serving openly would be a “distraction” in life-or-death situations. Presumably, trained soldiers, suddenly cognizant that several of the lisping, well-groomed, fashion-forward members of their squad are homosexuals, would be so overwhelmed with this realization that they would forget they are being fired on by snipers and assault rifles while surrounded by roadside bombs. I know from personal experience that whenever I am in a life-threatening situation, such as when I’m wrestling a bear, one of the most distracting thoughts you can have is, “I wonder if this bear is gay?” As soon as you think that, the gay bear will rip your face off, as all bears, homosexual or not, are want to do.
Gay soldiers are so deadly in military contexts, in fact, that it is difficult to explain why other countries allow gays to serve. Some propose that these countries use the gays as deadly, glittery distractions for enemy troops. ”What we do,” said a British general, under condition of anonymity, “is send out the queer regiment first. They then parade around in their leather assless chaps, causing the enemy to fearfully seize up and lose all power of movement. These people are a lisping, dancing paralytic agent of such strength that any manly creature of any size, be it a Kodiak bear or a giant gorilla in a football jersey drinking a beer, inevitably falls victim to their spell and is incapacitated.”
Military scientists in Britain have detailed these effects. Apparently, many straight soldiers, like deer in headlights, often freeze in place in a vague stupor when encountering something new and different. This fact is even well-known among the deer community, who describe brethren who have been hit by moving vehicles as “freezing like straight people who have just seen the gays.”
Of course, not all of the concerns are fictional nonsense emanating from John McCain’s backside and mythical British sources invented for humorous purposes. For example, the pentagon study that characterized the repeal as low-risk showed that in combat specialist units, like the Marines, about half of those surveyed indicated misgivings and unease about serving with open gays. Many of the Marines probably worry that the pink boas, the shiny glitter, and the sequined ball gowns that would no doubt be worn by the open gays would prove distracting. The only thing stopping them from behaving in such a stereotypical manner, after all, could be DADT.
Of course, many recognize that the armed forces are already saturated in gayness. Other than gays, for example, who would wear a green beret? Other than a gay man, who would incessantly spend his time polishing a gun? Other than a gay man, who would want to spend six months on a boat surrounded by seamen? Not only that, but gays have been serving in the military already, just not openly. With the repeal, the military could at least be honest about its gayness, as well as allowing honorable openly gay soldiers like Lt. Dan Choi and the entire U.S. Navy to return to the armed services. Even some conservative Tea Party members have hailed the repeal as a victory for bigotry, as it will make shooting at gays just a little bit easier, and allow homophobic Islamic terrorists to do the dirty work of homophobic Christian fundamentalists.
In the end, the repeal of DADT will probably have minimal effects on the military. When the military was integrated with African Americans, for instance, the furor was much greater among active military personnel, and yet things worked out on that front. With gays already serving in all branches of the U.S. military, it makes sense that they should at least be able to be honest about it. When blacks and women were allowed to join, no one forced them to remain in the closet, to serve as blacks and women but unable to be open about their blackness or womanhood, hiding themselves by taping their breasts down, speaking in an artificially lower voice, pronouncing the -ing endings of words, or constantly reassuring others that they’re just really, really tan. It is only fair that gays can now join them in openly and proudly serving in an organization that has a long history of marginalizing and killing foreigners for no legitimate reason. Now marginalized Americans can participate in this marginalization themselves, just like white males have throughout history.