Redesigning the Food Pyramid
Friday, May 27th, 2011Some people, usually sociopaths without any sense of empathy and libertarians, claim that the government can’t do anything right. They insist that any project, no matter how simple, somehow becomes irreparably fucked up should any bureaucrat or government funding touch it. This probably partly explains why some libertarians don’t want to see any federal funding for abortions: no one likes a botched abortion.
Being a liberal, I find the assumption that governments automatically ruin everything to be a bit overstated. Governments ruin things no more or less than Wall Street bankers who bring down the entire U.S. economy. However, even my steadfast belief in the role of government is sometimes tested. The food pyramid, for example, is just one such government hack job that continually flusters me and forces me to question the wisdom of government intervention.
You see, the food pyramid is among the worst symbols ever devised. And this is including the Nazi symbol. Charles Manson and his followers must have thought they were being rebellious and inflammatory when they tattooed swastikas to their faces, but the effect would have been more chilling had they simply tattooed the food pyramid to themselves.
When I was a child, the pyramid was a hopeless monstrosity trying unsuccessfully to promote healthy eating habits. It did so with the image of a bland triangle with horizontal divisions, with the bigger lower base representing the larger quantities of grains, vegetables, and fruits we children should have been eating, and the smaller divisions toward the top representing the tastier, less healthy foods like dairy and meat that we were already eating. At the pinnacle, though, were fats and oils, with the warning to eat them sparingly. The design was busy and confusing. Instead of making me think about eating healthy, it made me think about pyramids. And then Egyptians. And then mummies. And then mummy curses. And then I got scared and ate candy because that’s what I did when I got scared—I found solace and comfort in fats and oils. Not only that, but it seems apparent the designers had never seen a Christmas tree or Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which were also triangular objects. In Christmas trees, for instance, there were only crappy ornaments at the bottom, but the kickass light-up star (or sometimes a less kickass, but still better than the lower ornaments light-up angel) went at the top. Similarly, with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, basic survival necessities like food and shelter were at the bottom, but items more important for a meaningful and fulfilling life were located at the top, like self-actualization and happiness. But the food pyramid inverted this tried-and-tested method in which things at the top of triangles are better than things at the bottom. At least, it attempted to invert this long-standing precedent. Instead they put grains and healthy shit at the bottom, and fats and oils and cheese at the top. Like Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the essential stuff for survival was at the bottom, but the stuff that gave you happiness and purpose and meaning—the fats and oils and cheeses—were at the top. But the government panel that created this graphic did not consider this possible misinterpretation. They had inadvertently emphasized these unhealthy items as perfect and delicious, the pinnacle of all foods. They had unintentionally created a graphic that appeared to be saying, “Here is a pyramid with the tastiest foods put into order for you, where the tastiest ones at top are the best, and fuck those vegetables and grains at the bottom. Those are just there for support. Kind of like how the bun and the lettuce are just support teams for your meat. Now would you like some fat and oils on your burger?” And even though it said to eat oils and fats sparingly, few people in America knew what that word meant. This was America, after all. The only words we know here are money and pie. And also incoherent chants of USA! USA! USA!
To rectify this, no doubt, the food pyramid was subsequently redesigned. Instead of having horizontal divisions, which led to the inadvertent thought that items were arranged from top to bottom by tastiness, they used vertical divisions. And instead of filling the pyramid divisions with an endless number of words and pictures that explained each division, they just left the divisions totally blank. In short, they took it from one inept extreme to the other. The overly wordy, confusing prior pyramid had been replaced with a pyramid devoid of any context or explanation whatsoever, with an unlabelled color code and a picture of a weird stick figure with weird praying mantis arms apparently trying to climb to the top of the pyramid where the fats and oils used to be. It didn’t seem possible, but the new design was an even bigger monstrosity than the old. The following image is almost an exact replica of this new and improved food pyramid, as drawn by me:
Anyone who glances at this image instantly recognizes what it means: that whoever made it is retarded. No, I can’t even say that, as it is an insult to people with severe mental disabilities. It looks as if it were made by a paraplegic dog whose mouth was stuffed with an assorted color of paints and then made to spew it everywhere. Far from resembling a food pyramid, it instead looks like a lone figure bravely ascending a mountain of homosexual vomit. This is worse than thinking of Egyptians and mummies and mummy curses. Instead it conjures up images of festive, proudly-gay vomit that has been converted into an escalator for stick figures with troublesomely enlarged appendages. And nothing makes me hungrier for oils and fats than constantly being forced to think about the gays vomiting in such a manner that poorly-drawn men can climb atop it.
Given the long and sordid history of the food pyramid’s attempts to convince children to eat healthy foods and successes in making children binge eat in fear of mummies and gay vomit, the Obama administration has rightly taken it upon itself to remedy this disaster by creating a new image that will better represent the facts of healthy eating.
Michelle Obama has already made a point to fight against childhood obesity with the Let’s Move! campaign. Savvy children are already finding loopholes for that, though. Because eating involves moving one’s mouth and hands, and because the campaign slogan only mentions moving and says nothing about eating less, several thousand kids have taken the slogan to mean they should move more by eating more potato chips. Still others have confused it with meaning they should move to a different city, perhaps one well known for its fatty, unhealthy food and from which the Obamas hail: Chicago. In short, the program has not reduced childhood obesity yet. It is no wonder that the Obamas are now trying to spearhead a revitalization of a campaign that attempts to educate people about healthy eating through images of pyramids. (And is it just a coincidence that they would be so intent on revising an image that depicts pyramids, which are found in Africa, just months after Obama had released a fake birth certificate attempting to prove that he was not in fact born in Africa? Hmm…)
The new logo has not been released yet, but inside sources have said it will be in the shape of a plate, with portions sectioned off representing the various food groups. I predict it will look something like this, given past efforts and the previous debacle of the food pyramid:
Holy shit, that’s beautiful. However, this is my own design. The real design, seeing as how the government is designing it, is likely to be an abomination equal to or greater than the original food pyramid, eating shellfish, and/or gays marrying each other. And it will probably have many of the same problematic misinterpretations. For instance, it sort of resembles a pie chart, which will make people think of one of three things:
- Pie. Apple pie. Chocolate pie. Peach pie. Key lime pie. Pizza pie. Basically any kind of pie. And basically any kind of pie is exactly the sort of thing you don’t want this image to evoke, because any kind of pie is unhealthy and would be filled to the gills with oils and fat, if pie had gills. Thankfully it doesn’t have gills. There are too many oils and fats in pie for the gills to fit. There is no room left for the pie to breathe underwater.
- Pi. Also known as the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. Also known as 3.14159265… okay, you get the idea. It is not good for children to be thinking of pi, because it will make them obese. For one, it has infinite digits, so it makes kids think they can eat infinite pies. For two, it has to do with circles, and circles are round and beautiful, leading children to rationalize their growing obese pot bellies as beautiful when in fact they are disgusting.
- Hannah Montana. Kids will think of Hannah Montana when they see this new design for nutritional eating because they are always thinking of Hannah Montana. They fucking love that Hannah Montana. I think they should somehow try to incorporate Hannah Montana into the design to make it better and to pre-empt this thinking of Hannah Montana. Then the kids will be like, “I just thought of Hannah Montana. And now Hannah Montana is in this plate depicting healthy portions of nutritional foods to eat. That would be informative if I weren’t now thinking about Hannah Montana again.”
In summary, I am not optimistic about the prospects of this redesign convincing children to stop eating, provided there is no Hannah Montana themed element in the design. Instead of wasting time and energy and money on such crude designs, Obama should be spending money on scientific research into how to make vegetables taste like cookies. Kids eat too many oils and fats not because of failed food pyramids misleading them or failed infographics or pictures of plates. They eat oils and fats because they taste like cookies. So they should just make vegetables and fruits taste like cookies, and then also use science to make cookies taste like vegetables, and then make a picture that says “VEGETABLES TASTE LIKE COOKIES AND COOKIES ARE GROSS AND TASTE LIKE ASPARAGUS AND WILL MAKE YOUR URINE SMELL WORSE THAN USUAL.” And then they can put that on a picture of a plate or something. That will be the only way to make kids eat healthy.