Archive for August, 2011

Episode 8 – Democrats Lose in Wisconsin and the US loses an A

Wednesday, August 10th, 2011

In this episode, Dustin tries to talk about Final Destination 5 but ends up on a tangent somehow involving President Obama asking to be raped by Republicans. A man from Sweden attempts to split atoms in his kitchen, whereas I can barely split bananas. And 30 Americans die in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan…and they happen to be from the same team that killed Osama Bin Laden. For the main stories, Dustin talks about the following issues:

Democrats win only 2 of 6 recall elections in Wisconsin, proving to Republicans that they can get away with anything. However, the rioters in Britain still know how to protest better.

S&P downgrades America’s bond rating from AAA to AA+, but this doesn’t affect US bonds. In response, America downgrades S&P from “idiots who were wrong about the financial instruments that caused the 2008 financial crisis” to “dead to me.”

Michele Bachmann looks crazy on the cover of Newsweek! Hey, it could be worse. When I was on the cover of Time, I wasn’t wearing any pants.

In the conclusion, Dustin thanks Erica, a loyal listener, for her generous donation. He also thanks the StacheCast once again for reading his perverted emails on their podcast about his unrequited robot love.

Episode 7 – Pizza Squeezin’, Bachmann’s Migraines, and an Unfunny Massacre in Norway

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011

Welcome to Episode 7! Apologies for getting this episode out so late. I was taking a moment of podcast silence for Norway. Either that or I was just lazy and too busy. Whatever you’d like to believe, really. Anyway, in today’s episode I discuss the following topics:

-Dustin rails against the state of the movie industry, which propels classics such as Smurfs and Cowboys & Aliens to the top of the box office for no apparent reason.
-Dustin reveals his hidden love for squeezable foodstuffs, and proves that Facebook pages exist for every product, including those as obscure (and delicious) as Pizza Squeeze.
-With Rupert Murdoch being pied in the face in the wake of the massive phone hacking scandal, I come to the realization that more pies are needed in today’s media, and that a good pie to the face is perhaps the best way to revitalize media interest in any topic.

Michele Bachmann gets migraines! Does this disqualify her from being President? Or is this the best thing we could hope for?

A terrorist attack rocks Norway, and the media immediately assumes the attack was perpetrated by Muslim extremists until they learn that it was carried out by the exact opposite of a Muslim extremist: a white Christian dude who hated Muslims. Way to report, media!

Also, be sure to check out all the great podcasts I recommended. The Bugle, Ardent Atheist, Citizen Radio, and The StacheCast are among the best.