Archive for September, 2011

Episode 10 – Let Him Die and Never Forget!

Thursday, September 15th, 2011

In this episode, Dustin discusses his obsession with the new video game Deus Ex: Human Revolution, a stealth shooter that involves sneaking up to and killing stupid people and then shuffling through people’s desk drawers to steal their granola bars. In political news, Dustin discusses the latest GOP Tea Party debate, from the HPV vaccine debacle to the infamous “Let him die” remark from the crowd during the debate. Dustin also remembers 9/11 by panning the media coverage, which is tantamount to repeatedly reminding a traumatized rape victim of that time she was raped, and oh, by the way, here are some pictures and video of the time it happened. Finally, Dustin gives a brief overview of cosmology and science based on the latest news that the LHC has shown that certain versions of string theory and super symmetry are probably no longer tenable. (Physics friends, I know this is mostly bullshit and I have the physics understanding of a clown who has clearly never studied physics in clown college. Apologies in advance.)

As always, if you like the podcast, add me on Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, Friendster, etc. Go to the top of your roof and shout about it a little, too. Maybe tell your friends and uncles and such. Thanks, and good night!

Episode 9 – Rocked Like a Hurricane and Gaddafi’s Last Call

Thursday, September 1st, 2011

In this episode of the Saint Gasoline Podcast, Dustin discusses a bunch of random shit that he didn’t get to cover in his two-week absence. On the bright side, though, his absence was the result of a vacation in New York, where he got to experience an earthquake AND a hurricane, as well as what it is like to live in a city that people actually care about and pay attention to. Here are the topics covered:

Steve Jobs steps down as CEO of Apple.

The Gold bubble is bursting! Sell your gold now! Don’t listen to Glenn Beck!

“Friending” is made illegal in Missouri.

A highway in Nashville is shut down due to a bull semen spill.

The stock markets are like a rollercoaster! Up and down and supported by rotting wooden beams and operated by idiots who don’t understand how it all works.

A Russian space shuttle crashes. And this is who the United States has to rely on to get into space now…

The UK protestors actually managed to create more jobs: prison guard jobs!

Bachmann wins a straw poll, some guy whose name I forgot dropped out of the race, Romney says corporations and Soylent Green are people, and various other political nonsense!

TOP STORY: Colonel Gaddafi has finally been ousted from power! Now the Libyan rebels will finally get to elect their own dictator! Also, I rant about why voting is bullshit.

SECOND TOP STORY: Natural disasters rock the east coast! And by “rock” I mean “mildly disturb.”

As always, add me on Facebook and Twitter if you’d like to help support the podcast, and also tell everyone you know and threaten to stab them if they don’t listen to me. No, seriously.