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Mar 25

Episode 12 – The Black Kids Being Shot Edition (Kony2012 and Trayvon Martin)

In this episode, Dustin addresses the important topics of the day, including Gallagher’s heart attack, the horrible atrocities happening in Afghanistan (and the screwed up priorities of the people there), Dick Cheney’s new heart, the Reason Rally, and Romney’s metamorphosis into a childhood toy. The main stories covered are:

  1. The Kony2012 campaign brought a lot of awareness to a horrible warlord, but does the group that brought this to light deserve to be criticized? What are the merits of slacktivism and posting crap about Africa to your Facebook feed? Why is this guy outside naked and jizzing all over my car?
  2. Trayvon Martin was shot by George Zimmerman, the captain of a Neighborhood Watch program in Florida, and more and more details seem to incriminate Zimmerman as needlessly targeting Martin based only on race and then unjustifiably shooting Martin (although sadly he may have been “justified” based on Florida’s interpretation of when it is justifiable to shoot someone). I’ll take you through the facts of the case and also discuss the demerits of lax gun regulation and how it emphasizes social norms that contribute to a more violent society.

Enjoy the show! Remember to rate this crap on iTunes or wherever the hell you manage to find this thing so that people will see your rating and be like, “Oh, maybe I should try listening to this” before they scream in terror at what they are hearing and decide never again to listen to something just because someone reviewed it on iTunes.

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About the author

Dustin Martinez

I'm a laid back guy. I like music! I never know what to write in these things! I constantly think of suicide and stand perilously before the ominous void of nonexistence. I have two dogs and I love baseball!

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