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May 31

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In short, pink slime is a gross-looking product that to date hasn't been implicated in any sort of health problems, order Cipro from mexican pharmacy. Delivered overnight Cipro, However, gross looks are enough to spawn outrage among ridiculous meat-eating consumers, buy Cipro from canada. Buy Cipro Without Prescription, But pink slime in meat isn't the problem. Rx free Cipro, The problem is the pink slime in your brain that grabs hold of your emotional response of disgust and tries to justify it and rationalize it at any cost. Even more problematic is that pink slime doesn't even look that gross, Cipro overseas. Buy Cipro online no prescription, It looks like soft-serve ice cream, for crying out loud, order Cipro online overnight delivery no prescription, Online buy Cipro without a prescription, the most delicious thing there is. It only becomes gross when you learn that it's made from meat, buy Cipro online without prescription. (But guess what, Buy Cipro Without Prescription. Cipro tablets, Soft-serve ice cream is made from a substance squeezed out of a cow's tit. Ewww, purchase Cipro, Buy Cipro online cod, tit-cream. Barf, online buying Cipro hcl. Cipro discount, Let's boycott it!)

When this pink slime product was first revealed to the public a few years ago, people reacted with fear, over the counter Cipro, Free Cipro samples, calling for boycotts and demanding it be removed from meat. Buy Cipro Without Prescription, People who would gladly gnaw on the gristle and sinew of what was once a live chicken's leg for some reason thought pink slime was too much. The same hipsters who decry this pink slime will gladly eat at an ethnic Vietnamese restaurant and dine on "authentic" meals like soup filled with tripe, Cipro from canadian pharmacy, Cipro over the counter, hearts, and parts of animals they've never even heard of, Cipro from international pharmacy. Buy Cipro online without a prescription, Indeed, Cipro price, coupon, Cipro medication, the classic hot dog that so many people will gladly shove down their gullets to such a degree that it is the pre-eminent food of choice for competitive eating, is also made from leftover meat. Pink slime may be gross, but it's also gross when you cut open a cow and guts and shit spill out of it. It's easy to think of a cheeseburger as some nostalgic, all-American food, but on a more descriptive level it's an animal's ground-up carcass covered with a congealed, gooey yellow substance produced by that same animal's boobs wedged between pesticide-ridden lettuce with no caloric value and massive loads of sugary and starchy carbohydrates that make your kidneys do a workout the equivalent of running the New York marathon, Buy Cipro Without Prescription. Or you could just call it a cheeseburger. Needless to say, there are plenty of slimy and pink parts of a cow for you to worry about other than this lean finely textured beef additive.

Despite the overblown hype about pink slime, many restaurants and grocery stores have decided not to use or carry products that contain it. McDonalds, famous for golden arches, "healthy" salads that contain more calories than its burgers, and diabetes, no longer uses the product. Buy Cipro Without Prescription, Taco Bell, which was in the news recently for using a meat mixture that was only 35% beef and practically vegan, also no longer uses pink slime in its products. The beef industry itself has succumbed to consumer hysteria and will now start labeling its meat products that contain the pink slime. Presumably, the stickers will have little frowny faces and text that reads "This ground up cow with trace amounts of cow shit and E. coli also contains pink slime. It was also produced within a five mile radius of a factory that uses peanuts, because OMG NUTS!"

People have become obsessive over food and it's time to stop. Approximately 5% of the population suffers from gluten sensitivity and yet Whole Foods has entire aisles of gluten-free products, because idiotic people assume that if a product is "something-free" that "something" must be horrible and should be ostracized and beaten with sticks, Buy Cipro Without Prescription. (Marketers, here's an idea: Market your product as "free" of something it never contained to begin with. Put "Now with NO baby monkey testicles!" stickers on your graham crackers and consumers will immediately assume the other graham crackers MUST contain baby monkey testicles!) At grade schools you can't open a jar of peanut butter without having the bomb squad called in. The craze of "organic" food has also become mainstream, despite all food being "organic" in the chemical sense (unless you've been eating spatulas and detergent), launched to popularity by its embrace of the naturalistic fallacy (i.e., whatever is more "natural" is "better"---even though a bear attack is also natural). However, I can accept organic foods (sometimes they emphasize good farming practices and ethical treatment of animals) and nut allergies (these allergies can be fatal) and even gluten-free products (whatever). But this outcry against pink slime is just stupid. If pink slime grosses you out, then don't eat meat. Drink a fruit smoothie instead. Just don't mix any strawberries in because the result may look like PINK SLIME.

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Most importantly, though: stay out of the sun and constantly cover yourself in flour, the whiter the better.

Geraldo was on the right track, but he clearly didn't go far enough. Requiring a 48-hour waiting period and a transvaginal ultrasound before the purchase of a hoodie is a good idea, but hoodies are only part of the problem. By doing all the other things mentioned above, black people, you will probably never be shot again, Buy Clindamycin Without Prescription. Racism will cease to exist if you'd just use your common sense and get totally subsumed by white-person culture and rid yourselves of silly things like tradition, ethnic identity, and your natural skin color (go on, pull your skin off completely if you have to). Because, as we all know, the real problem in this country isn't that privileged white people are shooting black people after racially profiling them and stalking them while stroking their guns so as to make the black people incredibly afraid and uncomfortable. No, the real problem is that black people look scary.

Next week, I'll address how Geraldo's brilliant insights apply to women, and why wearing a sexy, revealing dress, or easy-to-remove sweatpants, or threateningly sexy hoodies are various ways women "ask" to be raped, and how the only way to avoid asking for a man's penis inside of your hoo-ha is to wear a full suit of armor at all times (but not a SEXY suit of armor) and/or grow a penis.

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As these facts emerged, Komen was roundly and swiftly criticized all over the Internet. Even worse, after suffering a terrible blow to its image among pro-choice advocates, Komen then reversed its decision and decided to restore funding to Planned Parenthood, thereby pissing off the pro-life contingent that had been their only remaining supporters.

For now, Planned Parenthood will receive the funding from Komen, but it isn't clear that this will continue in the future, owing to the fact that Komen is run by pro-life fucktards who may pull the funding at any time for silly politicized reasons that ultimately harm women's health. Komen's funding of Planned Parenthood could also be jeopardized by the fact that in another six months Komen will probably have no money left to give out as funds, and will instead be out on the street pandhandling, assuring passersby that they just need some spare change, even pennies will do, so they can catch a bus and visit their five very ill children and in no way will this money be spent on liquor or their terrible addiction to ribbons.

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