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Category Archive: News

May 31

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May 08

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Gays, causing the destruction of North Carolina

Gays, causing the destruction of North CarolinaTonight, North Carolinians overwhelmingly voted for an amendment that would ban gay marriage. Buy Zopiclone online cod, North Carolina had outlawed gay marriage previously, but this vote codified the ban into the state's constitution, saturday delivery Zopiclone, Sale Zopiclone, making the law harder to repeal. Now, where to buy Zopiclone, Buy Zopiclone online without prescription, when the next, more enlightened generation tries to overturn the gay marriage ban---because in AD 2032 they're frankly more worried about robot weddings and Scientologist suicide-bombers than what the gays do---the task won't be so easy, buy Zopiclone online without prescription. Saturday delivery Zopiclone, Even with gay marriage already outlawed and this newest victory in an amended constitution, conservatives in the state are planning future bans on gay marriage that would require codification of the law into mandatory bumper stickers on trucks and neck tattoos depicting Calvin peeing on gay marriage, Zopiclone paypal, Zopiclone price, coupon, seeing as how North Carolinians are more likely to read neck tattoos and bumper stickers than the state constitution.

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