The Supreme Court heard arguments last week over the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), otherwise known as Obamacare, Abominationcare, Get-the-Government-Out-of-My-Underwear-and-Doctor’s-Office-care, and several other pseudonyms that cannot be repeated because they sprinkle around the N-word liberally before appending the hyphenated monstrosity with the suffix “-care”. Perhaps in an effort to legitimate its adjectival description, …
Category Archive: Blog
Mar 28
Biased Racists Complain About “Media Bias” in Trayvon Martin Case, Then Shocked That Their Bias Is Worse!
Michelle Malkin’s website Twitchy recently posted the following picture, purporting to address the “media bias” present in the reporting on Trayvon Martin’s death: The only problem, of course, is that the image on the right is not a picture of Trayvon Martin. In fact, the image seems to derive from Stormfront, a well-known Internet haunt …
Mar 27
Geraldo Recommends Black Youth Stop Wearing Hoodies, Start Wearing Sweater Vests
Geraldo, the man best known for mustache, ‘stache, moustache, and the hair on his upper lip, has been in the news lately for his suggestion that Trayvon Martin’s tragic death is largely the fault of his hooded outerwear. The comment was briskly torn apart by several rabid wolverwines, followed by 90% of Twitter, everyone who …
Mar 16
Bill Maher Is Not the Liberal Equivalent of Rush Limbaugh
You’re severely drunk and conservative. You’re driving down the highway at 90 miles per hour in your Hummer, dangerously weaving in and out of lanes while popping Oxycontin into your mouth like Pez. Suddenly, you’re being pulled over by a police officer. As you drunkenly stumble out of your car, the first thing you say …
Mar 02
Andrew Breitbart Depicted as Dead in Heavily-Edited, Clandestine Video
Review of Unedited Video Reveals He Was Just in a Deep Sleep No, Wait – Okay, Yeah, He’s Actually Dead No, Seriously Andrew Breitbart—perhaps best known for unveiling Anthony Weiner’s penis to the world, helping to bring down ACORN, and for drunkenly shouting obscenities at you from a random podium that he’d brazenly overtaken—passed away …