Contact Me
Hello there, Saint Gasoliniacs! It's me, Dustin Martinez! Many people want to contact me. You are probably one of them. They want to contact me for many reasons: to ask a question, to make a comment, to request an interview, to send links, or to call me terrible things and insinuate that my mother walks the streets having sex with men for money. Or coke. If you are one of these people, then contact me here by email: saintgasoline @ You can also find me at St. Gasoline on Facebook and saint_gasoline on Twitter. And please, ladies, no more sexual solicitations! Have some decency!
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28 May, 2012 at 8:57 PM (UTC -6) Link to this comment
The “personality defect test” you put up on ok cupid is one of the best things I’ve seen in a long time. I am apparently a “Hand Raiser”. Rock out with your cock out. It’s less dangerous than your 101 mile knife.
6 January, 2013 at 1:37 AM (UTC -6) Link to this comment
Hey, Brendan, I got “Hand Raiser” too !
? May be that’s why we’er commenting about it , on this dude’s web site ?
Anyways–just say’n good test
20 July, 2012 at 9:47 PM (UTC -6) Link to this comment
Hey, i am so sorry for your depression, and i really hope its just a passing thing, but i want to say that i support you and i will pray for you. (Christian and supports gay marrige by the way) i actually have pretty severe chronic depression, severe enough for me to experience detatchment, and i have to say, you got decently close to how it realy is (at least for me). i actually have a lot of mental issues, and since no one here know who i am, i will say what they are. As i said, i have chronic depression, but i am also a masochist (emotional moore than sexual, and to help you all understand, its like being in love with something that is killing you) i have social anxiety and gender insecurity (i’m a girl, but i don’t want to be a boy, i just feel like i am too boy-ish) and a death wish (i almost killed myself this winter) and something that makes me disgusted with myself for even thinking of letting myself get better.i am only 16. Now enough about disgusting me (notice i never capitolize “i”)
i said all that for two reasons. 1)so all you idiots all there will stop bitterly complaining about your lives when they aren’t even hard (i’m talking to the “OMG mom you got me a Mercedes instead of a BMW? Fuck you” type, not all of you with real problems) and 2) to help motivate you, Mr. Martinez. You make me smile. And that’s a feat. If you can make me smile, then imagine all the people out there who must be laughing so hard at your work. You are incredible, never forget that. i hope you feel better soon, and thank you. <3
20 July, 2012 at 9:56 PM (UTC -6) Link to this comment
i will fix the typos and email my previous comment to you later, ( i’m on my phone now and i can’t exactly do that at the moment) so that you can contact me, should you so desire, but absolutly no obligation though… and don’t even feel obligated to do anything… most people don’t.
4 September, 2012 at 4:06 PM (UTC -6) Link to this comment
I apparently am a sociopath according to your personality test. Mwahaha! And I live more than 101 miles away… >: )
Sara Braginskiy~
6 November, 2012 at 5:19 PM (UTC -6) Link to this comment
I’m a hippie according to your test, man~
Those comments in it…I’ll have you know that I DID give my computer screen lots of tongue when you aske.
Although you’re hiding your desire for sexual solicitations, I’m sharing one with you because your website is so very arousing.
Behold my dick.
Yep, I’m never taking that back. Find me at, okay?!
2 December, 2012 at 5:48 AM (UTC -6) Link to this comment
My name is Emilia, I am sorry to mail you out of the blue.
I am a professional copywriter and some of the clients I work for are actively looking for websites to advertise on in the form on articles and text link ads.
I believe that I can sell a few ads from your website to my clients but would like to know if you would be interested?
2 December, 2012 at 9:10 PM (UTC -6) Link to this comment
Hey , i just found your site, and i find it incredibly funny in its own unique way, and it got me thinking. Have you heard of the website, its a comedy site. I was just thinking you could be a writer on that site, your style is perfect for it! you should give it a try!!, give the team on cracked a call maybe you could get lucky. i can see it now, article on written by: SAINT GASOLINE!!!
5 December, 2012 at 3:21 PM (UTC -6) Link to this comment
I was thinking the exact same thing as Kane after reading the bit about the NYC soda ban. You’re style reminds of Cracked mixed with The Onion and and a little bit of xkcd even.
Love your humor though, I wish you much success.
I'll cut you
2 February, 2013 at 9:20 AM (UTC -6) Link to this comment
I actually enjoy your humour. It reminds me of my own. Which is probably why nobody likes me.
Your defect test marks me as a Spiteful Loner, which is most likely true, though I’m not as dark and edgy as you made me out to be. Or maybe I am. I do happen to have a body in my backyard, but that’s a goldfish, I swear, just don’t look.
I suppose I really don’t like people much. I’d like to borrow your absurdly long knife to anonymously injure people if you don’t need it right now. I promise I’ll give it back. Cross my heart and I sincerely hope to die.
Anyway, you’ve escaped my “To-punch-list”, so feel proud about that, you pseudo-snob.