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Of course, online buy Piroxicam without a prescription, Piroxicam in uk, Comfort's most oft-repeated argument in recent days has been the following:
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Here is one more quote from Ray:
Imagine being there when the first dog evolved. Let's say it's the African hunting dog (Lycaon pictus), the wild canid of Africa. There was a big bang, and millions of years later an animal with a tail and four legs, a liver, heart, kidneys, lungs, blood, ears and eyes evolved (through natural speciation) into the first dog. Buy Piroxicam Without Prescription, Fortunately for him, his eyes had evolved to maturity after millions of years of blindness, so that he could see the first female dog that had evolved standing by him. It was actually very fortunate, because if the female dog hadn't evolved also and been at the right place at the right time, with the right parts and the willingness to mate, he would have been a dead dog. He needed a female to keep the species alive.
After reading this drivel, it really is no wonder that more than half the population in America doubts the theory of evolution. Like a similar sister criticism often advanced by clueless gits, "I don't believe in evolution because I've never seen a dog give birth to a cat!", this argument falls flat simply because it demonstrates more about the speaker's ignorance of evolution than it does about evolution.
Notwithstanding his obvious errors in terminology (hearts, kidneys, and other organs are not species, you fucktard---they are produced through natural selection, not "natural speciation"), the whole blathering tale is so riddled with misconceptions that one wonders if Comfort is simply making this all up as an elaborate ruse, only to exclaim "GOTCHA. I don't actually believe that evolution posits each individual of a species arising separately---that would be stupid!" Unfortunately, it seems he is serious, Buy Piroxicam Without Prescription. The basic error with his silly thought experiment is that he doesn't understand that evolution affects populations, not just individuals. In a sexually reproducing species, the opposite gender doesn't have to arise independently because the genes that produce phenotypic variation and survival advantages end up being spread through a population in gradual degrees for each variation. Offspring are genetically different from both parents through a variety of mechanisms, including the mixing of genes from both parents, recombination, and the occasional mutation. Each generation varies only slightly from the preceding, so the differences are not so great that they cannot mate with other members. Over time, as these variations slowly accumulate, another population may arise that has evolved some novelty that enhances its survival. Comfort's criticism would only make sense as applied to a model of evolution that saw speciation occurring in a single generation (a dog being born from a completely separate species) and thereafter being unable to mate without another partner also being produced in a single generation. As I alluded to earlier, this is nothing more than Comfort's fancy way of saying, "I'll believe in evolution when a cat gives birth to a dog ... twice!" Perhaps if we all shout at him in unison, "And we atheists will believe in God when you fuck a broomstick" he'll realize that his own argument has just as little to do with evolution as this had to do with belief in God.
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Mr Z
16 February, 2009 at 9:13 AM (UTC -6) Link to this comment
I have to say you are absolutely right to mention Ray Comfort as one of the best assets the Atheist movement has on its side. It’s as close as you can get to showing people the latest Darwin Award winner’s story and being able to say “see? I told you that you shouldn’t do that!”
Comfort, like millions of others, simply does not understand how evolution works. They cannot easily comprehend the sheer numbers involved with evolution. When you try to say 7.1296^10000000000000 trillion trillion generations of offspring leading to what is a new species, they simply cannot fathom that much begetting, and can only imagine a crocodile and a duck mating. They will not admit evolution when it is shown to them, nor intermediate species when they are shown them. Those that think the world is less than 10,000 years old can’t even imagine dinosaurs, single continent earth, planet killing asteroids, volcanic activity polluting the skies, magnitude 8+ earthquakes, ice ages, nor many of the other things we have proof of.
His arguments are ignorant. I’m an atheist. I do not believe that nothing made everything. In fact, I do not believe anything about the origins of the Universe and life on this planet. There are several theories about origins of life and the Universe. None of them has any real evidence to support them other than the big bang; which in turn does not provide cause or motive. There are many things that we simply do not yet have the answer for, and may never have the answer for. One thing is certain: we won’t find evidence that there is an all powerful, all knowing creator god that created all this, then sent Comfort as his representative.
(Fingers crossed) Yes, i too will believe in god and creationism when Ray Comfort fuck himself in the ass with a broomstick… twice! It will certainly make good pics for someone’s Facebook account.
16 February, 2009 at 9:29 AM (UTC -6) Link to this comment
Great post. I am going to borrow a few of your well articulated ideas for my arguments with fundies. You have been bookmarked.
Morgan-LynnGriggs Lamberth
16 February, 2009 at 2:36 PM (UTC -6) Link to this comment
The most high advanced theologians actually make no more sense than Mr.Comfort. Faith does that to people!
Note Alister McGrath’s pathetic efforts! Google what others say about him. Debunking Christianity, for instance.
Theology is a series of guesses and it must be’s about a supreme mystery, surrounded by other mysteries, ostensibly being the ultimate explanation, but signifying nothing.
Riley, Queen of Everything
19 February, 2009 at 2:53 PM (UTC -6) Link to this comment
God, I hate Ray Comfort. “You Can Lead an Atheist to Evidence, But You Can’t Make Him Think”
What fucking evidence does religion HAVE?
And here I was, thinking science was the one that was foolishly trying to find ways to prove theories with evidence. Well, fuck me sideways…
19 February, 2009 at 9:10 PM (UTC -6) Link to this comment
Yes, for some reason I’ve decided to completely refute his book for the whole world to see over at my blog – but I might go blind from all of the drivel before I finish it.
30 March, 2009 at 6:35 AM (UTC -6) Link to this comment
Given your allusion to the banana, am I to presume this is the guy who argues design by reference to the shape and size of the banana?
If so, this is someone who neglects the fact that humans have been breeding bananas selectively over the past 10,000 years or so. The size, shape and lack of seeds are resultant of countless generations of selective breeding… to the point that “God’s” creation is on the verge of extinction due to breeding the seedless mutation into them on a broad scale.
I mean, his notion of design neglects human interference. It would be tantamount to suggesting that God designed a steering wheel.
That’s a whopper of a digression, though.
Atheism is as unfounded a view as Christianity or any other religious view. I mean, from a purely scientific perspective, to issue the argument that evolution did not occur is rather irrational based on all of the evidence we have available to us through fossil records, evidence of micro-evolution in bacteria and viral cultures, etc. But the notion of God’s non-existence oughtn’t be tied into that. Nor should the notion of God be limited to any specific religious view.
Given that religious arguments tend toward burden of proof resting on the individual issuing the positive claim, it’s easy to get caught up in it all and suggest that God doesn’t exist as no one can provide evidence that he/she/it does, but that in and of itself isn’t debunking the existence of God. It’s simply stating that no evidence exists as of yet. The most scientifically defensible position, as a result, always tends to be that which suspends judgement in absence of evidence. I do regard it as unlikely that God exists, but certainly not impossible. Agnosticism seems to hold the better bet, for me.
15 February, 2012 at 1:10 AM (UTC -6) Link to this comment
While I tend to lean toward Atheism, I find it difficult to claim that I do not believe in something, when I have not even developed a definition of what that something is. If God is simply a very talented civilization which developed DNA technology, and then let it run evolution from there as a way to pave a pathway through the stars, I do not know that I can declare that scenario to not exist. But if all we are objecting to, is an all powerful Earth primate in white robes and a beard, then yeah, that is EASY to decline to accept. What is the big deal in that? If I am forced by the Atheist doctrine developers that I must reject the former scenario, then I cannot in good conscience be an Atheist, no different than refusing to have the Great Primate stuffed down my throat.
My problem here is. Are you earnestly interested in a heartfelt life philosophy, or is your philosophy simply a hatred of certain types of people, or those who differ in opinion from you? I could care less what they have to say. It bothers me none. The latter seems to bleed through in your writing, and concerns me into pondering that you really are not an Atheist?
A truly sad realization would be to find that your entire life philosophy was just “the opposite of what people I hate, believe.”
Tolerance of them and their words is a great indicator of that ethic.